Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin.
Book 2: Of the knowledge of God the Redeemer, in Christ, as first manifested to the fathers, under the law, and thereafter to us under the gospel.
Chapter 2: “Man Now Deprived of Freedom of Will, and Miserably Enslaved”
Section 10: By way of reminder, Calvin restates his initial premise from the beginning of this chapter; “He who is most deeply abased and alarmed, by the consciousness of his disgrace, nakedness, want, and misery, has made the greatest progress in the knowledge of himself. Man is in no danger of taking too much from himself, provided he learns that whatever he wants is to be recovered in God.” Using numerous passages of scripture (Jer 17:5; Ps 147:10-11; Isa 40:29-31; Jas 4:6; Isa 44:3, 55:1, 60:19) he makes the case that the Bible goes to great pains to show us that our right attitude toward God is one on humility and not prideful arrogance.
Section 11: Turning to the teachings of the church fathers (Chrysostom and Augustine), Calvin now states that the primary attitude of the heart of a Christian is one of humility. “The more infirm you are”, states Calvin, “the more the Lord will sustain you. […] I do not ask, however, that man should voluntarily yield without being convinced, or that, if he has any powers, he should shut his eyes to them, that he may thus be subdued to true humility; but that getting quit of the disease of self-love and ambition, under the blinding of which he thinks of himself more highly than he ought to think, he may see himself as he really is, by looking into the faithful mirror of Scripture.”