Author: Ian Shepard
Am I responsible?
Who is responsible for my salvation? God CALLED Abraham to himself just as Jesus called Lazarus from the…
What are you looking forward to in Heaven?
People often talk about the streets of gold in heaven or the mansions or even seeing Jesus face…
God wins
I’ve read quite a few comments on Facebook today stating that because of this vote in NC regarding…
An open letter
An open letter to Christians who stand by gay marriage/civil partnerships, etc: In your own words can you…
What is your motivation?
At church today we were asked “what is your motivation to go to church?” This is a subject…
Who is responsible for your salvation?
For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days…
Institutes in Brief: Bk2, Ch4, Sections 6-8
Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin. Translating that which was first in French, then translated into…
Institutes in Brief: Bk2, Ch4, Sections 1-5
Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin. Translating that which was first in French, then translated into…
Institutes in Brief: Bk2, Ch3, Sections 12-14
Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin. Book 2: Of the knowledge of God the Redeemer, in…
Institutes in Brief: Bk2, Ch3, Sections 10-11
Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin. Book 2: Of the knowledge of God the Redeemer, in…